Dear Students
This is good opportunity for you to interact with leading technology leaders, Read the following message and decide to attend this ACM Meet.
Dr. Sarang Joshi
Dear Sarang Joshi,
Thanks to our sponsors, we are able to provide 150 FREE registrations to students for the ACM India Annual Event at ‘The O Hotel’ on January 25, 2012. Prior registration is required for this (No spot registration will be available) and will be on first come first serve basis. Following in the link on which students can register:
Students want to attend the Compute event on Jan 23-24, 2012 at YASHADA, can now attend by paying Rs. 1000/-.
For Professionals and Academicians, registration fee for Annual Event is now Rs. 300/- (For members and non-members).
We request you to circulate this to all the colleges, so that students and teachers can take advantage of this offer.
Best Regards